getreceivedbyaddress "address" ( minconf include_immature_coinbase )
Returns the total amount received by the given address in transactions with at least minconf confirmations.
1. address (string, required) The bitcoin address for transactions.
2. minconf (numeric, optional, default=1) Only include transactions confirmed at least this many times.
3. include_immature_coinbase (boolean, optional, default=false) Include immature coinbase transactions.
n (numeric) The total amount in BTC received at this address.
The amount from transactions with at least 1 confirmation
> bitcoin-cli getreceivedbyaddress "bc1q09vm5lfy0j5reeulh4x5752q25uqqvz34hufdl"
The amount including unconfirmed transactions, zero confirmations
> bitcoin-cli getreceivedbyaddress "bc1q09vm5lfy0j5reeulh4x5752q25uqqvz34hufdl" 0
The amount with at least 6 confirmations
> bitcoin-cli getreceivedbyaddress "bc1q09vm5lfy0j5reeulh4x5752q25uqqvz34hufdl" 6
The amount with at least 6 confirmations including immature coinbase outputs
> bitcoin-cli getreceivedbyaddress "bc1q09vm5lfy0j5reeulh4x5752q25uqqvz34hufdl" 6 true
As a JSON-RPC call
> curl --user myusername --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": "curltest", "method": "getreceivedbyaddress", "params": ["bc1q09vm5lfy0j5reeulh4x5752q25uqqvz34hufdl", 6]}' -H 'content-type: application/json'