Return information about chainstates.
{ (json object)
"headers" : n, (numeric) the number of headers seen so far
"chainstates" : [ (json array) list of the chainstates ordered by work, with the most-work (active) chainstate last
{ (json object)
"blocks" : n, (numeric) number of blocks in this chainstate
"bestblockhash" : "hex", (string) blockhash of the tip
"difficulty" : n, (numeric) difficulty of the tip
"verificationprogress" : n, (numeric) progress towards the network tip
"snapshot_blockhash" : "hex", (string, optional) the base block of the snapshot this chainstate is based on, if any
"coins_db_cache_bytes" : n, (numeric) size of the coinsdb cache
"coins_tip_cache_bytes" : n, (numeric) size of the coinstip cache
"validated" : true|false (boolean) whether the chainstate is fully validated. True if all blocks in the chainstate were validated, false if the chain is based on a snapshot and the snapshot has not yet been validated.
> bitcoin-cli getchainstates
> curl --user myusername --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": "curltest", "method": "getchainstates", "params": []}' -H 'content-type: application/json'