estimaterawfee (hidden command)

Bitcoin Core 26.2 RPC

estimaterawfee conf_target ( threshold )

WARNING: This interface is unstable and may disappear or change!

WARNING: This is an advanced API call that is tightly coupled to the specific

implementation of fee estimation. The parameters it can be called with

and the results it returns will change if the internal implementation changes.

Estimates the approximate fee per kilobyte needed for a transaction to begin

confirmation within conf_target blocks if possible. Uses virtual transaction size as

defined in BIP 141 (witness data is discounted).


1. conf_target    (numeric, required) Confirmation target in blocks (1 - 1008)
2. threshold      (numeric, optional, default=0.95) The proportion of transactions in a given feerate range that must have been
                  confirmed within conf_target in order to consider those feerates as high enough and proceed to check
                  lower buckets.


{                              (json object) Results are returned for any horizon which tracks blocks up to the confirmation target
  "short" : {                  (json object, optional) estimate for short time horizon
    "feerate" : n,             (numeric, optional) estimate fee rate in BTC/kvB
    "decay" : n,               (numeric) exponential decay (per block) for historical moving average of confirmation data
    "scale" : n,               (numeric) The resolution of confirmation targets at this time horizon
    "pass" : {                 (json object, optional) information about the lowest range of feerates to succeed in meeting the threshold
      "startrange" : n,        (numeric) start of feerate range
      "endrange" : n,          (numeric) end of feerate range
      "withintarget" : n,      (numeric) number of txs over history horizon in the feerate range that were confirmed within target
      "totalconfirmed" : n,    (numeric) number of txs over history horizon in the feerate range that were confirmed at any point
      "inmempool" : n,         (numeric) current number of txs in mempool in the feerate range unconfirmed for at least target blocks
      "leftmempool" : n        (numeric) number of txs over history horizon in the feerate range that left mempool unconfirmed after target
    "fail" : {                 (json object, optional) information about the highest range of feerates to fail to meet the threshold
    "errors" : [               (json array, optional) Errors encountered during processing (if there are any)
      "str",                   (string)
  "medium" : {                 (json object, optional) estimate for medium time horizon
  "long" : {                   (json object, optional) estimate for long time horizon


> bitcoin-cli estimaterawfee 6 0.9